Sunday, May 16, 2010

Top 3 Websites That Dominated the Internet

2:01 AM by Subtle_Hints · 0 comments

Like many people today, I am in front of my computer more than 8hours a day. I do my work mostly through the internet. Technology sure has made a long way, because today, we could sit in our homes and still be able to keep in touch with our family and friends, and of course, our online social networks. And when I talk about social networks, internet and technology, there are three websites that comes to mind.

My Top 3 Websites

1. Facebook. I must say that Facebook is part of my daily life. Facebooking is one of my favorite activities. Many people have become quite addicted to it. Maybe because it lets you connect with people, not just your immediate family and friends, but those long time friends you haven’t talked to in ages, or find your long lost relatives. You could just as easily leave messages, posting on each other’s walls, and chat with them all in one website. Facebook truly changed the way we communicate with others.

2. Twitter. Twitter is also one of those social networking medias that lets you share what’s on your mind in short, precise messages. You could even get updates from your friends, or even from celebrities who you choose to follow. It’s really an easy way to be in-the-know, without actually doing intensive research on a subject or on another person. You could let yourself be heard and let other people know your thoughts when you feel like it.

3. YouTube. We all have something to share. We all want to have our own videos put up in the internet for everyone to see. That’s what YouTube did right. That’s why it is very popular among “netizens”. You could share almost anything and everything, just remember to read the terms and conditions, privacy policies and what not. Though I don’t upload videos, I do enjoy browsing through the different videos, and even watch latest trailers through YouTube. :)

With the growing technology and people getting more and more great ideas, I believe that the internet would only get better through time. And maybe, in years to come, there will be more websites that will change our daily lives just like these medias have, and I am looking forward to enjoying how it’s going to unravel itself.


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