Friday, April 25, 2008

Updates and a new story^__^

9:15 AM by Subtle_Hints · 2 comments

Hello everyone!! just dropping by for some updatesbiggrin So I've finally updated Hidden Affections with chapters 10 and 11 up and running. I really am planning to finish that "series". And for another news LOL!lol I have a new story which I will be posting soon. Finishing some proof-reading and it'll be up and running by tomorrow. It doesn't have a title yet so that's partly why I haven't posted it yetidea hmm..I guess that's it.

Oh and thanks everyone for visiting my page!!wink I really appreciate all the support, the comments, the shout outs and the page hits! Again thank you soo much, you made this little blogger very very happybiggrin I hope you would continue to visit this page and continue leaving me comments thank you!!^__^

Hidden Affections chapter 10 and 11


2 Responses to "Updates and a new story^__^"
Mark Rosario said...
April 25, 2008 at 9:30 AM

i thought what i read was "hidden afflictions" and i thought that could be a great song title.

"hidden affections" pala.. heheh..

anyways, nice blog. i think i'll drop by from time to time.

Subtle_Hints said...
April 26, 2008 at 10:09 AM

Thanks so much for visiting and for commenting^__^ it's great to know that people really are reading this blog^_^ ehehehehe yups its Hidden Affections^^ Please do drop by^^